RBT Competency Assessment Practice Test

RBT Competency Assessment Practice Test

RBT Competency Assessment Practice Test

Last UpdateJune 18, 2024

What does "frequency" measure in ABA?

Which of the following is an example of continuous measurement?

What does "IRT" stand for in ABA?

What is the primary purpose of continuous measurement in behavior analysis?

Which graph is most commonly used to display behavioral data over time?

In a preference assessment, what is the main objective of a forced-choice assessment?

What does ABC stand for in behavior analysis?

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT) is characterized by which of the following?

Partial interval recording measures if a behavior occurs throughout the entire interval.

In a preference assessment, offering two items to choose from is an effective method to determine preferences.

The initial RBT competency assessment and the renewal are completely different in terms of content.

Data and graphs should ideally be updated every session if data is available.

Chaining is a technique used to teach complex behaviors by breaking them down into simpler, individual steps.

During the competency assessment, it is inappropriate to ask questions if you're unsure about a procedure.

Maintaining professional boundaries is not as important as building a strong personal rapport with the client and their family.

You are conducting a session and want to measure how long it takes for a client to begin an assignment after being given the instruction. Which measurement method should you use?

A client you work with has a goal to increase the behavior of hand-washing after using the restroom. Using chaining, which of the following strategies would you employ?

During a session, you notice a new behavior that has not been previously observed. What is the first action you should take?

Maintaining client dignity is an essential part of being an RBT. Which of the following actions best represents this principle?

If you are unsure about how to proceed with a new program or intervention, what is the most appropriate course of action?

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The RBT Competency Assessment test is a crucial component required to become a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT). This assessment evaluates your understanding and ability to perform various tasks across four domains: measurement, assessment, skill acquisition, behavior reduction, and professionalism.

The assessment covers 20 task items, including continuous and discontinuous measurement, preference assessments, skill acquisition techniques like discrete trial teaching and chaining, behavior reduction strategies like antecedent interventions and extinction, and professionalism tasks like session notes and client dignity.

During the assessment, you must demonstrate these tasks either with a client, through role-play, or in an interview format. The assessment is typically administered by a BACB-certified individual and must be completed within 90 days of submitting your RBT certification application.

The test duration can vary but is usually completed in 1 to 3 hours. If you do not pass all tasks on your first attempt, additional observations or meetings will be required for reassessment.

Once you have successfully completed the RBT Competency Assessment, the next step is to prepare for the RBT certification exam, which is the final requirement for becoming an RBT.

To increase your chances of success, thoroughly prepare for the assessment by studying the RBT Task List and utilizing various study materials, such as textbooks and practice exams.

How To Prepare For The RBT Competency Assessment?

To prepare for the RBT Competency Assessment, you should start by reviewing the RBT Initial Competency Assessment Packet, which outlines the tasks you will be evaluated on.

You should also know what to expect during the assessment, including the structure, administration, and documentation process.

Here are some key steps to prepare effectively:

  1. Review Study Materials: Study the RBT Task List, which covers topics such as measurement, assessment, skill acquisition, behavior reduction, and professionalism. Use textbooks, online courses, and practice exams from reputable sources to enhance your understanding.
  2. Complete 40-Hour Training: Ensure you have completed the required 40-hour RBT training before attempting the competency assessment.
  3. Practice Tasks: Use RBT competency assessment study guides and practice questions to familiarize yourself with the tasks you will be evaluated on. Consider watching videos that simulate the assessment process to understand better what is expected.
  4. Understand Assessment Structure: A BCBA will most likely administer the assessment, evaluating your competencies through tasks performed with a client, role-play scenarios, or live interviews. To pass, you must demonstrate competence in all tasks.
  5. Time Management: The assessment typically takes 1 to 3 hours to complete. Ensure you are well-prepared for each task within this timeframe.
  6. Seek Feedback: If you make errors during the assessment, your assessor will provide corrective feedback. Use this feedback constructively to improve and demonstrate full competence in all tasks.
  7. Next Steps: After completing the competency assessment, focus on preparing for the RBT certification exam, which is the final step towards becoming a certified Registered Behavior Technician.

Table Of Terms

Indirect Measurementinterviews, rating scales, questions, surveys
Direct Measurementobservation of the behavior and recording it as it occurs
Behavioral Definitionsoperational, includes verbs describing behavior, objective + unambiguous, does not rely on internal states (happy, sad), does not use labels (bad or good)
Operational Behaviordescribes what the behavior looks like so two independent observers can recognize + record the same behavior
Indirect Outcome Recordingmeasures results that produces an observable product in the environment. main advantage is that it’s easy to use
Direct Outcome Recordinginstead of relying on memory data is gathered immediately as the behavior occurs or as it produces results
Event Recordingbehavior is observed continuously throughout the observation period, and each instance of the behavior is recorded immediately as it occurs. Must meet two criteria: Does the behavior look the same every time? Does the behavior have a clear beginning and end?
Frequency Recordingused for behaviors that have a clear beginning and end, tally the number of times the behavior occurs
Intensitymagnitude or force of response (only record if this is the aspect of the behavior you are trying to change)
Durationhow long a behavior persists, should be used if you are trying to decrease how long a behavior lasts
Latencytime that occurs between the SD and the response (ex. how long to respond to a peer’s question). You record this when the goal is to decrease the time between SD and response
Partial Interval Recordinginvolves checking off an interval if the behavior occurs at ANY point within the interval – even if it only occured for 1 second. You can use this for self-stimulatory behaviors or behaviors that don’t look the same every time. An over-exaggeration of the behavior: you use this method to decrease behavior.
Whole Interval Recordinginvolves checking off the interval if the behavior occurs throughout the WHOLE interval. Use when it is difficult to tell when the behavior begins or ends, when it occurs at such a high rate it is difficult to keep count. An under-exaggeration of behavior: you use this method to increase behavior.
Momentary Time Sampling Recordingdata is less representative than intervals, looking for a behavior’s occurrence during a specific part of the interval and recording if it occurs at that precise moment. Ex: setting a timer to go off every minute for a 30 minute interval, only checking for behavior and marking it down as the timer goes off.
Reinforcementfollows a behavior that increases that behavior
Punishmentfollows a behavior that decreases that behavior
Positive Reinforcementaddition of a pleasant stimulus
Negative Reinforcementremoval of an aversive stimulus
Positive Punishmentaddition of an aversive stimulus
Negative Punishmentremoval of a pleasant stimulus
Motivating OperationsVariables in the environment that alter the relative value of a particular reinforcer at a particular time.
Deprivationwhen a person hasn’t had access to a particular reinforcer for a significant period of time, makes it more potent
Immediacythe time between the behavior’s occurrence and the reinforcer’s delivery. The more immediate, the more effective
Sizethe magnitude of the reinforcer changes the effectiveness. You want to not give too much or the reinforcer will lose its value, but too little will not be motivating enough.
Contingencywhen the reinforcer is delivered only for the target behavior it is more effective
Schedules of Reinforcementspecifies how often particular behaviors receive reinforcement
Continuous scheduleused for learning new behaviors, the behavior is reinforced every time
Intermittent Scheduleused to maintain behavior once a skill is acquired. Behavior is only reinforced some of the time. They generate high response rates and prevent behavior from stopping.
Fixed Ratio Schedulea schedule of reinforcement after a fixed level of responses. Ex: reinforce after every 5th correct response.
Variable Ratio ScheduleAn average number of responses must be made before delivery of reinforcement. Ex: slot machine
Fixed Interval Scheduleit doesn’t matter how many times the behavior occurred, the person only gets the reinforcer once the response is given after a fixed amount of time. Ex: receiving a paycheck.
Variable Interval Schedulethe reinforcer is delivered for the first response that occurs after an unpredictable amount of time has passed. Ex: checking your email – you probably do this periodically throughout the day without a set schedule
Extinctionwhen the response no longer produces reinforcement.
Extinction burstwhen the behavior is no longer reinforced, it will briefly increase in frequency, intensity and duration. This is because the learner wants to see if performing the behavior more intensely will produce reinforcement.
Response Costtaking away a reinforcer as a result of behavior (ex: taking car keys away after missing curfew)
Behavior Intervention Planplans developed to guide parents, teachers and other paraprofessionals on how to decrease inappropriate behvaiors and teach or increase replacement behaviors in all settings. Everyone who interacts with the individual should follow the plan
Functional Behavior Assessmenta collection of different procedures of gathering information on antecedants, behaviors, and consequences in order to determine the factors that lead to maintaining problem behavior.
Antecedentan environmental condition existing or occurring immediately before the behavior of interest (ex: the setting, people they are around, the actions of people around them)
Visual Schedulesa set of pictures that communicate a series of activities or steps of a specific schedule. Gives a sense of control, predictability and choice over their schedule
Means to an end visualshows the individual when they are finished or when something new is going to happen, like a transition. Ex: timer, token board, first/then board. More likely to stay on task if they can see when they get a break
Functional Communication trainingthe use of appropriate communicative behavior to replace the inappropriate behavior. If we make it easier to communicate through words, sign, or pictures than the problem behavior, it is more likely they will use they functional behavior instead.
Social Storiesa tool to teach children with autism how to act in social situations
Systematic Desensitizationtreatment that practices engaging in successive approximations toward the target behavior. This treatment is often paired with anxiety reduction exercises and positive reinforcement.
Demand Fadingincrementally increase demands you place on the student across several sessions
Non-Contingent Reinforcementreinforcing the child without any specific demands in place. This causes you to be associated with reinforcement and become a reinforcer.
Pairingwhen the child has associated you with reinforcement or good things.
Pacingincreasing pace of instruction decreases escape behaviors
Interspersingmixing up easy and more difficult tasks
Wait programteaches a student to accept the denied request and wait for access to the item. It does this by using visuals and timers. The student is taught to wait for items or an activity for incremental periods of time.
Transition programteaches student to easily transition by reinforcing systematic steps. First, you contrive transition by situations such as moving from one chair to another.
Sensory dietthe use of sensory activities or exercises to calm certain sensory needs. Ex: activity schedule, replacement behavior that serves the same purpose
Differential Reinforcement of Alternate Behaviors (DRA)reinforcing an appropriate alternative to the problem behavior and extinguishing the problem behavior through extinction. Do not acknowledge attempts to gain (x) through undesirable behavior. Prompt, than immediately reinforce.
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Reinforcers (DRI)reinforces a behavior that is incompatible to the problem behavior and put the target problem behavior on extinction. The incompatible behavior is response blocked while correct behavior is reinforced
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors (DRO)reinforcing the absence of the problem behavior for a specific amount of time. Always uses interval schedules, usually fixed. First take baseline data of the target behavior. Start with an interval that will ensure success. Every interval without the behavior is reinforced.
Overcorrectioncontingent on the target behavior, the individual must engage in a tedius task directly related to the problem.
Restitutional overcorrectionthe learner is required to repair the situation to its original state
Positive practice overcorrectionthe learner is required to practice the correct form of the behavior or a behavior that is incompatible as a result of the problem behavior
Time out from reinforcementthe withdrawal of the opportunity to receive positive reinforcement for a specific amount of time
Promptinga cue or an action to assist or encourage the desired response from an individual
Physical Promptphysically manipulating the individual to practice the desired response, eventually the degree of touch can be lessened until the student performs it independantly
Verbal promptusing vocalizations to indicate the desired response, can be an utterance such as a sound or part of a word, many words, or even as long as a paragraph.
Phonemethe smallest contrastive unit in the sound system of a language, help shape articulation
Intraverbal prompta question that leads the child to the correct response
Visual prompta visual clue or picture, can be any object or printed material that can be used to teach a new behavior
Gestural promptusing a physical gesture to indicated the desired resposne
Positional promptwhen the target is placed closer to the individual. As the response becomes more independant the target is moved farther away from them
Modelingphysical display of the desired response
Video modelingchildren who already readily imitate videos may benefit from specially made videos that demonstrate target behaviors. Used to teach social skills, daily living skills, language aquisition or play skills
Video self modelingwhen the student views videos of themselves as examples of behavior
Time delay prompttransfers stimulus control to the natural stimulus by delaying the presentation of the prompt after that natural stimulus has been presented
Prompt fadingto reduce assistance to a least intrusive prompt
Stimulus fadinghighlighting a physical dimension of a stimulus to increase the likelihood of a correct response then the highlighted or exaggerated dimension is eventually faded out (ex: using traffic safety cones to mark a boundary to stay within and removing them slowly after the learner knows the boundaries)
Most to least promptingusually used with teaching new behaviors because it provides little opportunity for errors
Least to most promptingchildren who readily imitate videos may benefit from specially made videos demonstrating target behaviors. Used to teach social skills, daily living skills, language aquisition or play skills
Shapingreinforcing successive approximations of a target behavior. can be used to improve articlation
Task analysisinvolves breaking down a complex skill into smaller, teachable units, the products of which is a series of sequentially ordered steps or tasks
Chaininga specific sequence of responses with each sequence associated with a particular stimulus condition
Forward chainingthe behaviors identified in the task are taught in their naturally occurring order. Only targets one step at a time from the beginning.
Backward chainingwhen all the behaviors that are identified in the task analysis are done by the teacher except for the final behavior (Ex: drawing a smiley face)
Total task presentationa variation of forward chaining in which the student is taught each of the steps in the task analysis at once. The student helps with every step. (ex: tying your shoes)
Discrimination trainingrequires one response and two antecedent stimulus conditions. The response in the presence of one stimulus is reinforced while a response in the presence of the other is not. We are teaching them to make choices.
Isolationteaches the student to pair the stimulus with reinforcement. Once it is paired you mix it up with other stimuli (distractors).
Mixed trialsmixing mastered SD’s with target SD’s to ensure discrimination
Discrete trial instructionworking one on one with a student, breaking tasks down into small steps until mastery.
Errorless learningensures success, early immediate prompts, prompts faded over time, decreases frustration/increases motivation
Trial-by-trial datadata is collected after each trial on whether or not the response was correct, incorrect, or mastered
Probe datadata is collected on the initial trial. Only checks the initial trial of each program or target item to see whether the teaching and prompting of the previous session was enough to maintain the target skill or item the following day
Natural Environment Trainingthe reinforcer is always related to the item being taught. Behavior should be taught in the environment in which it is used, the learners items and activities of interest should set the occassion for teaching, teaching sessions should be across a variety of settings, materials, types of responses and verbal operants, teaching should focus on functional language and skills
Stimulus controlwhen certain aspects of the environment impact our behaviors (ex: being quiet in a library).
Multiple exemplar trainingteaching with many different examples of the same item or activity
Transfer trialwhen we re-present the original SD and then use a lesser prompt than the first
Error correctionif a child begins to emit an incorrect response, do not allow them to finish if possible. You can prompt and show correct responses when you see them answering incorrectly. Then, use your transfer trial to fade out the prompt, do a distractor trial and come back to the SD as a test to see if they got it.
Cold Probeused to record whether the student was able to independently provide the correct response upon the first presentation of the SD (3 consecutive yes probes = mastered skill)
Toy Imitationresponding to a conversation, or a question, the antecedant is verbal stimulus, and the consequence is nonspecific reinforcement
Gross motor imitationimitation of body movements, no materials are necessary, SD= non-specific “copy me”
Fine motor imitationimitation of detailed, precise movements, may use materials, SD= non-specific “do this”
Oral motor imitationimitation of movement of the mouth, tongue, lips, face, head, often a prerequisite to verbal imitation and speech, helps to shape articulations, increase vocalizations, provides reinforcement for “pre-speech” behaviors, helps build momentum, SD= non specific
Training Echoic Behaviorrepeating what was heard, auditory SD/discriminative stimulus, the consequence is non specific reinforcement–anything that increases the behavior that is not the object being said.
Mand Trainingdemand, command, asking or requesting. Asking for what one wants, then as a consequence getting it, acts as immediate reinforcement for using communication. The training directly benefits the learner.
Tact Trainingcoming in contact with the environment through one of our senses. The antecedant is a nonverbal stimulus in the environment ex: saying “popcorn” when you see popcorn. Follow with nonspecific reinforcement.
Training Intraverbal Behaviorresponding to a conversation, or a question, the antecedant is verbal stimulus, and the consequence is nonspecific reinforcement.
Listener respondingresponding to the mands of another. This is receptive language, it is not verbal behavior. (ex looking at an item when it is named).
Stimulus Stimulus pairingrepeated pairing of a neutral stimulus with a reinforcing stimulus, neutral stimulus becomes conditioned as a reinforcer, increase in responding partially attributed to automatic reinforcement.
4 Functions of Behaviorto gain attention
to escape or avoid a task or situation
to gain an item or tangible
to gain automatic reinforcement
Without replacementField of stimuli or objects that you don’t put back into the field.
With replacementField of stimuli or objects that you put back each time one is picked.
Shapingis a way of adding behaviors to a person’s repertoire. … Approximation means any behavior that resembles the desired behavior or takes the person closer to the desired behavior. Successive approximations are steps toward the target behavior, the behavior you want to shape.
Punisheris a stimulus change that immediately follows the occurrence of a behavior and reduces the future frequency of that type of behavior.
BehaviorAnything an organism does that can be measured and counted objectively.
ConsequencesA stimulus that follows a behavior in close temporal relation.
Conditioned Reinforceranything that is paired with a primary reinforcer.
Unconditioned Reinforcerthings such as food and shelter that are inherently reinforcing.
GeneralizationCan occur through different settings, SDs and stimuli.
Target BehaviorAny defined, observable and measurable behavior; focus of analysis and intervention
Escape FunctionThe individual behaves in order to get out of doing something he/she does not want to do.
Four Major Types of BehaviorEscape, attention seeking, seeking access to something, sensory stimulation
Attention Seeking FunctionThe individual behaves to get focused attention from parents, teachers, siblings, peers, or other people that are around them.
Access to Tangible FunctionThe individual behaves in order to get a preferred item or participate in an enjoyable activity.
Sensory Stimulation FunctionThe individual behaves in a specific way because it feels good to them.
Automatic ReinforcementAutomatic reinforcement occurs when a person’s behavior creates a favorable outcome without the involvement of another person
Antecedent Interventionsare a collection of practices in which environmental modifications are used to change the conditions in the setting that prompt a learner with ASD to engage in an interfering behavior.
Token Economyis a contingency management system based on the systematic reinforcement of target behavior. The reinforces are symbols or “tokens” that can be exchanged for other reinforces.
Replacement Behavioris the behavior you want to replace an unwanted target behavior. Focusing on the problem behavior may just reinforce the behavior, especially if the consequence (reinforcer) is attention. It also helps you teach the behavior that you want to see in the target behavior’s place.
Escape Extinctionin which reinforcement that is provided for problem behavior (often unintentionally) is discontinued in order to decrease or eliminate occurrences of these types of negative (or problem) behaviors.
Continuous Reinforcementoccurs when reinforcement is delivered after every single target behavior
Intermittent Reinforcementmeans reinforcement is delivered after some behaviors or responses but never after each one.
Response Blocking“a procedure in which the therapist physically intervenes as soon as the learning begins to emit a problem behavior to prevent completion of the target behavior.”
Redirectionreduction technique used to distract the child from a problem behavior, or lead them to engage in a more appropriate behavior than the one they are currently engaging in.
Spontaneous RecoverySpontaneous recovery refers to after a behavior has decreased (via extinction) the behavior may reoccur – however if it is not reinforced will disappear again quickly.
Inter observer Agreement (IOA)is the most common indicator of measurement quality in ABA. IOA is the degree which two or more observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events. A variety of techniques exist for calculating IOA depending upon the recording method being used.

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